AETI gears up to present Quadra at two major insurance conferences this fall

July 31, 2012  Media, PA
Conferences , Quadra

Quadra Demo Stations Coming Soon

During the Diocesan Fiscal Management Conference in Houston, Texas (September 23-26) and the Self-Insurance Institute of America's annual meeting in Indianapolis, IN (October 1-3), attendees will have a great opportunity to explore Quadra's features up close and experience its easy-to-use interface and added functions.


If you're planning to attend either conference, be sure to visit AETI's new demo stations on the exhibit floor, where you can ask questions and get advice from AETI's team of experts.


Below are a few photos of the creation of our demo stations:

Demo Station
Demo station schematic
Demo Station
Assembled demo station
awaiting monitors and keyboards


To learn more about Quadra, please contact us.

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