

Quadra’s modules readily support the complex operations of insurance program management. Together, they make the wide array of features possible.



Maintain structure information including construction details, ownership, size, safety features, and values.


Manage vehicle information including ownership, financing/leasing agreements, ID cards, and vehicle classes.

Other Exposures

Manage other types of assets such as facilities, payroll, pension plans, healthcare plans, and more.


Manage specifics on a variety of items including maintenance equipment, service bays and lifts, watercraft, or fine art.


Account Details

Manage your organization's accounts, which includes adding and deleting accounts, moving and merging accounts, managing owner and contact information, and editing account information.

Accounts Receivable

Automate journal entries that reflect asset changes including added, dropped, or edited assets. Link this module to the Allocations module for automated invoice creation and distribution. Collect payments through a link to your bank.


Manage leases, including property details, lessee and lessor information, rent, deposits, extensions, and renewals.


Record details and document the progress of any type of project. Examples of projects include new construction projects, renovations, IT updates, real estate transactions, and more.



View top-level summaries, graphs, and maps, and access functions within specific modules.


Upload and manage all supporting documents for any module within Quadra.


Maintain useful supplementary information and manage tasks to enhance workflows.


Generate a wide variety of reports for export and quantitative analysis.


Generate accurate insurance charges reflecting the total cost of risk (TCOR) across all accounts and create invoices. This module can be integrated with Quadra’s Accounts Receivable module or the client’s system.


Property & Liability

Generate and renew certificates of insurance specifying coverage and terms. Choose from a selection of ACORD forms and automate data input.

Certificate Policies

Organize policy details used for generating certificates.

Master Policies

Combine several accounts under a single Master Policy for the same insureds.

Risk Management


Import claim data to help conduct loss analysis and support risk mitigation efforts.


Maintain information on drivers and facilitate process for conducting background checks, store drivers’ license information, select which types of vehicles the drivers are authorized to operate, or update driver statuses.


Organize standards and other documents relating to best practices, safety, or company guidelines that are searchable for easy access.


Create and publish surveys that can be used for data collection, inspections, or audits.

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