Quadra™ Release v3.6.2.5

October 28, 2016  Media, PA
Quadra , Software Releases

Quadra’s most current release v3.6.2.5 has some exciting enhancements to ensure optimal user experience.  Here is a breakdown of the latest updates:


Some of the greatest risks exposures to a company are due to lack of maintenance.  Surveys can be used for various reasons, but with the newest enhancement, surveys have the ability to reduce risk.  Users can now add a “Follow-up” task based on question response when building a survey.  Therefore, an issue can be brought to the appropriate person’s attention as soon as it is identified via the survey tool.  The ability to copy surveys has also been added.


Before this update, once an account was deactivated, it could no longer be reactivated.  The newest release of Quadra™ allows Administrative users to now reactivate these accounts removing the need for repetitive work.  Administrative users will also have the ability to have asset activity emailed directly to specific email recipients.  An additional enhancement includes updating driver modules and statuses.


Administrative users now have the ability to copy a role.  This will eliminate the need to complete the tedious task of creating a similar role for a new user that only has one or two differences. 

New Inbound Email Processor

A great new enhancement will automatically convert emails sent to Quadra™ into notes and any attachments within the email will be saved as documents.  The new release also allows Quadra™ to carbon copy recipients when inbound emails are received.


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