Vehicle Rate Class Management Updates
Published on December 4, 2023

The vehicle rate classes in Quadra® are key to quantifying vehicles so auto coverages are applied properly during the allocation process. Vehicles can be automatically classified through the vehicle rate settings in Administration or manually set as needed. With release 9.5, we have introduced an improved querying function into the setting which provides more options in specifying vehicles for various rate classes.
Users can now run advanced queries and select vehicles according to account. With advanced querying capabilities, rate classes can be defined based on a wide range of factors including year, ownership type, capacity, make, or address.
Rate classes are created and managed through the tab layout which better organizes different selection tools. Under the General tab, select vehicle class:

The Account tab filters accounts:

With the advanced query tab, you can fine-tune a selection of vehicles for a specific rate class:

At AETI® we are continually working on new features to support workflows so stay tuned for additional updates!