Quadra v3.1.10 Released!
Published on September 10, 2013

The following enhancements were added in this Quadra release:
- Update the Dashboard module Other Exposures Summary element to contain better metrics
- Add Fund as a parameter on the Transaction Detail Report in the Reports module
- Update the Payment Importer to allow for imported Payment Method
The following issues were resolved in this Quadra release:
- Editing Vehicle Registered Owner causing partially duplicated contacts
- Vehicles module Edit Vehicle Owner causing an exception
- Timing out on a page with a long url causes a processing exception
- The General Ledger Import Report not returning data for all client accounts
- Add Vehicle Finance page not displaying consistently
- Payment Importer accepting but not valuing Transaction Number
If you happen to find an issue or want to suggest a new feature simply click on the "Support" menu item and select "Submit Issue". We will review the issue and contact you if we have any questions.
Thank You!
The AETI Team