Introducing our enhanced Claims Module

Published on March 3, 2014
Introducing our enhanced Claims Module

We're pleased to introduce an array of new features available in Quadra's Claims Module, allowing you to not only search and organize claim details but also view the big picture through new dashboard elements.

 Through customizable columns, inline search, and export capabilities, your ability to view, analyze and report on claim information is now even easier. This module is able to pull comprehensive datasets from a TPA-managed system, accessing over 20 defined fields including valuations, claimant details, litigation, major cause and detail cause codes, and more. 

Claims module in Quadra
Quadra's enhanced claims module

Four new dashboard elements: Claims Summary, Total Incurred by Coverage Chart, Total Paid by Coverage Chart, and Total Reserved by Coverage Chart, provide convenient visual representations to aid in your analysis. AETI will assist each client in configuring this data exchange.

Claims dashboard elements in Quadra
Claims dashboard elements in Quadra

Interested in getting started? Schedule a consultation today.