Extended Capacity for Insurance Certificates

Published on May 2, 2023

While insurance certificates contain important details regarding coverage and insurers, there may be times when additional pages are needed to provide a comprehensive listing.  Since our clients are encountering this situation with increasing frequency, AETI® is pleased to announce a new addenda feature as part of Quadra® release 8.5. After uploading an addendum, it will appear after the certificate and all pages will be generated and shared as a single file.

Addenda are managed under the Certificate Policies module.  Once documents have been added to a particular policy, they will automatically appear when a certificate is created from that policy.  If a certificate is created but the addenda are later edited, a new certificate must be created in order to reflect the policy changes.

Quadra’s capabilities in insurance document management make it a valuable tool for our clients overseeing complex insurance programs for their companies. This update gives users greater flexibility in conveying coverage details for the benefit of business partners.

Access the addenda upload feature under the Certificate Policies module:

Select either a document that is already within Quadra or upload a new one:

When a certificate is created, all pages appear together:

Tutorial available

Take a closer look at how the addenda-upload process works:

Stay tuned - We are working on new features and will share additional release notes in the coming months!