Accounts Receivable Enhancements
Published on February 5, 2024

With Quadra® release 9.6, we are pleased to announce several revised features to the Accounts Receivable module that will improve usability as well as the user experience. The A/R module is a valuable feature for most of our clients who use it in conjunction with Allocations to manage and receive insurance premium payments. This module is what makes the process of invoice creation to collections possible.
New tab format on the Receive Payment form
A major update includes a new layout for the Receive Payment form, which involves tabs to separate the payment details from application. This provides a cleaner interface and easier navigation of fields and is consistent with the data entry format used on almost every other module in Quadra.

Additionally, the outstanding invoices grid was upgraded to provide column selections as well as layout flexibility that can be saved to the user’s profile.

Transaction search options
As with the outstanding invoices grid, column selection is also available when searching transactions. This makes the search process more efficient and offers more flexibility in how results are presented.

History details available for transactions
The Search History function was updated to match the interface found in most other modules throughout Quadra. This release also allows users to view details of the history as well as who made changes, which are features initially released in early 2023 to other modules. In the grid showing results for entries and edits, you can click on a particular result to view more details. This information will provide answers faster when questions regarding transactions arise.

Users can also access the history directly from the home page grid. Access History from the Action menu for each transaction.

Accessing transaction pivot tables
To consolidate reporting functions, the transaction pivot tables, previously housed within Accounts Receivable, are now accessed from the Reports module. The parameters can be adjusted depending on what information is needed and the export option allows for further manipulation of data.